A Partnership Approach to Scaling Up Student-Staff Partnership at a Large Research-Intensive University


  • Lucy Mercer-Mapstone University of Queensland
  • Aimee Clarke University of Queensland


student-staff partnership, students as partners, higher education,


This case study describes a project that undertook the endeavour of coherently and systematically scaling up partnership practices at a large Australian research-intensive university. We describe an authentic partnership approach to designing a university-wide SaP program drawing on the collective innovation and creativity of over eighty students and staff working in partnership. We present, based on structured reflective narratives, critical factors for driving institutional partnership change in our context. This case study thus provides a useful example for other practitioners considering similar initiatives that aim to take an inclusive approach to scaling-up partnership processes in higher education.

Author Biographies

Lucy Mercer-Mapstone, University of Queensland

Lucy Mercer-Mapstone is a PhD Candidate at the University of Queensland, Australia and an Endeavour Research Fellow. Lucy is also a co-fellow on an Australian Learning and Teaching Fellowship focused on Students as Partners and an inaugural co-editor of the International Journal for Students as Partners.

Aimee Clarke, University of Queensland

Aimee Clarke is a Student Experience Coordinator in the Faculty of Science at The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. Aimee has a Bachelor of Biomedical Science (Honours) and a Master of Science Communication (Outreach).


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How to Cite

Mercer-Mapstone, L., & Clarke, A. (2018). A Partnership Approach to Scaling Up Student-Staff Partnership at a Large Research-Intensive University. The Journal of Educational Innovation, Partnership and Change, 4(1). Retrieved from https://journals.studentengagement.org.uk/index.php/studentchangeagents/article/view/741



Case Study