Reaching hard to reach students through student learning communities


  • Patrick Blessinger St. John's University - New York



Because of the many hurdles and adjustments that students face during their first year at university, it is, typically, during this crucial time period that students decide to continue with their studies, transfer to another university or quit attending university altogether. Student learning communities attempt to mitigate those factors that may lead to student dissatisfaction and non-engagement. To this end, student learning communities attempt to improve student satisfaction and engagement, and concomitantly, to improve student retention and graduation rates.

Author Biography

Patrick Blessinger, St. John's University - New York

Dr. Patrick Blessinger is an adjunct professor of education at St. John's University in New York where teaches courses in education, leadership, and research methods. He is also a math and science educator with the New York State Education Department, and founder and chief research scientist at the International Higher Education Teaching and Learning Association.


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How to Cite

Blessinger, P. (2017). Reaching hard to reach students through student learning communities. The Journal of Educational Innovation, Partnership and Change, 3(1), 259–261. Retrieved from



Peer Learning Communities