Learning Analytics: The Emperor’s New Clothes?


  • Sue Milward University of Exeter


Learning Analytics is promising to deliver the power of big data to Higher Education. By extracting meaning from the myriad of data held against a student, Learning Analytics promises to improve student retention and attainment. However, there are challenges to be overcome before the reality can live up to the promises. 


Author Biography

Sue Milward, University of Exeter

Sue Milward is Head of Education Projects at the University of Exeter, where she has gained a broad range of knowledge and experience initially within IT and MIS, but more recently as a technical innovator and strategic project manager. Sue is currently leading the Effective Learning Analytics project at the University.


Siemens, G. (2011) 1st International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge, Banff, Alberta, February 27–March 1, 2011, as cited in: George Siemens and Phil Long, ‘Penetrating the Fog: Analytics in Learning and Education.’ EDUCAUSE Review, 46 (5). Available at: http://er.educause.edu/articles/2011/9/penetrating-the-fog-analytics-in-learning-and-education (Accessed: 30 March 2017).

Sønderlund, A.L. and Smith, J. R. (2017) ‘Evaluation and effectiveness of ALA Interventions: A systematic review.’ University of Exeter. Submitted to Computers and Education.




How to Cite

Milward, S. (2017). Learning Analytics: The Emperor’s New Clothes?. The Journal of Educational Innovation, Partnership and Change, 3(1), 76–77. Retrieved from https://journals.studentengagement.org.uk/index.php/studentchangeagents/article/view/640



The Shifting Context of Higher Education