Exploring the role of co-curricular student engagement in relation to student retention, attainment and improving inclusivity


  • Stuart Sims University of Winchester
  • Wilko Luebsen London Metropolitan University
  • Chris Guggiari-Peel University of Exeter


Throughout the REACT project, the core institutions of Winchester, Exeter and London Metropolitan have been conducting an in-depth, multi-faceted evaluation of selected co-curricular student engagement activities – ‘Student Fellows’, ‘Change Agents’ and ‘Peer-Assisted Student Success’ respectively. This involved the collection of survey data to explore key concepts related to the motivations of students to participate in these initiatives. This survey explores areas including employability, academic study and partnership, with an aim of improving co-curricular initiatives to make them more inclusive of ‘hard to reach’ students. These ‘motivations’ to participate are used to contextualise data about the attainment and continuation of active student participants. Rather than seek to assert or confirm that various groups are ‘hard to reach’, this research seeks to understand better what does and does not make co-curricular activities inclusive of hard-to-reach students. In this sense, the aim is to have a greater understanding of how students are successfully ‘reached’. Discussion will focus on how attainment and retention can help us to explore whether a wide range of students is benefiting from participation.

Author Biographies

Stuart Sims, University of Winchester

Stuart Sims is the Head of Student Engagement in Academic Quality and Development at the University of Winchester. He is also the Lead Researcher on the REACT project.

Wilko Luebsen, London Metropolitan University

Wilko Luebsen holds a MA in International Business and currently administers and supports the PASS Scheme at London Metropolitan University. For the past two years he has been involved in the REACT Project as a researcher and development consultant working across the UK Higher Education sector to promote Student Engagement.

Chris Guggiari-Peel, University of Exeter

Chris Giggiari-Peel is the REACT Researcher at the University of Exeter. Aside from REACT, Chris also combines his academic interest in Natural History with creative media, which has been complementary to working on a project that aims to highlight the importance of a diverse approach to learning and teaching.


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How to Cite

Sims, S., Luebsen, W., & Guggiari-Peel, C. (2017). Exploring the role of co-curricular student engagement in relation to student retention, attainment and improving inclusivity. The Journal of Educational Innovation, Partnership and Change, 3(1), 93–109. Retrieved from https://journals.studentengagement.org.uk/index.php/studentchangeagents/article/view/605



Retention and Attainment