Lecture Capture – can it help ‘hard to reach’ students?


  • Matthew Newcombe University of Exeter


What are the consequences of implementing Lecture Capture technology and how does it support students, especially those who are ‘hard to reach’? There is growing evidence about the benefits to students that lecture recordings provide and, in particular, about how they can directly support specific groups of learners.  However, it is not easy to balance the needs of students with academic concerns, technological barriers and policy issues which need to be overcome. This piece presents the author’s views, having supported the wide-scale use of lecture capture technology since 2008. 

Author Biography

Matthew Newcombe, University of Exeter

Matthew Newcombe is Head of e-Learning at the University of Exeter. He has extensive experience of leading institutional wide enhancement initiatives and embedding new technologies, aligned to enhancing the curriculum.


Taplin, R.H., Low, L.H. and Brown, A.M. (2011) 'Students’ satisfaction and valuation of web-based lecture recording technologies.' Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 27(2), 175–191.

Yeung, A., Raju, S. and Sharma, M.D. (2016) 'Online lecture recordings and lecture attendance: Investigating student preferences in a large first year psychology course.' Journal of Learning Design, 9(1), 55–71.




How to Cite

Newcombe, M. (2017). Lecture Capture – can it help ‘hard to reach’ students?. The Journal of Educational Innovation, Partnership and Change, 3(1), 293–295. Retrieved from https://journals.studentengagement.org.uk/index.php/studentchangeagents/article/view/602



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