Exploring how a ‘Sense of Belonging’ is facilitated at different stages of the student journey in Higher Education.


  • Owen Humphrey University of Winchester
  • Tom Lowe University of Winchester


Student Engagement, Belonging, Retention, Student Experience


This paper gives an overview of a study conducted at the University of Winchester to explore students’ ‘sense of belonging’ at one particular UK institution. The project was completed in two phases: first, an investigation via a ‘Feedback Forum’ of the different stages and factors contributing to a ‘sense of belonging’ and the points in time during the student journey where this was achieved. Second, this initial data was coded to provide a series of categories which informed the creation of an institution-wide survey to investigate further which types of engagement led to a ’sense of belonging’, and to what extent, for each category identified. This research was influenced by the national policy and market economy within current UK Higher Education (HE), with a focus on retention and student satisfaction, which has, in turn, been linked to belonging (Thomas, 2012; Morgan, 2003). The study was undertaken, and the paper authored, through a student-staff partnership within the Winchester Student Fellows Scheme (described by Sims et al, 2014).

Author Biographies

Owen Humphrey, University of Winchester

Owen Humphrey is currently studying his Masters in the Philosophy of Education at the University of Winchester after completing a BA (Hons) in Education Studies. His studies of interest include: Pedagogical ethics, critical and progressive pedagogies from around the world. Owen is also a REACT Research Assistant and Student Fellow.



Tom Lowe, University of Winchester

Tom Lowe is the Project Manager of the HEFCE funded REACT project, where he facilitates collaboration between UK HE institutions in relation to Student Engagement. Also, Tom sits on the QAA Advisory Committee for Degree Awarding Powers and is Secretary for RAISE. Previously, Tom was Vice President, Education at Winchester Student Union.


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How to Cite

Humphrey, O., & Lowe, T. (2017). Exploring how a ‘Sense of Belonging’ is facilitated at different stages of the student journey in Higher Education. The Journal of Educational Innovation, Partnership and Change, 3(1), 172–188. Retrieved from https://journals.studentengagement.org.uk/index.php/studentchangeagents/article/view/583



Engagement, Belonging and Identity