Who sets the agenda on student engagement?


  • Emily McIntosh University of Bolton
  • Duncan Cross University of Bolton


student engagement, agenda setting



The rise in UK university fees has prompted significant investment in the student experience, with increased emphasis on an agenda that promotes student engagement and partnership. Government papers, both white and green, have set out a policymaking agenda and have led to a reorganisation of the UK higher education funding structures, with the dissolution of long-standing funding bodies into the Office for Students. This enshrines chapter B6 of the QAA UK quality code for higher education with regard to student engagement and would appear to be a positive move forward. However, the Office for Students has limited student representation and this raises the question: ‘Who sets this agenda and who are the stakeholders?’ This opinion piece seeks both to highlight the necessity for a joint agenda-setting approach and to engage the community in developing a joint agenda on student engagement and partnership.

Author Biographies

Emily McIntosh, University of Bolton

Dr Emily McIntosh is a Principal Fellow of the HEA and the Director for Student Life at the University of Bolton, with research interests in resilience, personal tutoring and student transitions.

Duncan Cross, University of Bolton

Dr Duncan Cross is a Principal Fellow of the HEA and a Senior Lecturer in Education at the University of Bolton, with research interests in student transitions, managing expectations, and academic development.


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How to Cite

McIntosh, E., & Cross, D. (2017). Who sets the agenda on student engagement?. The Journal of Educational Innovation, Partnership and Change, 3(2). Retrieved from https://journals.studentengagement.org.uk/index.php/studentchangeagents/article/view/540