

  • Simon Walker Head of Educational Development, University of Greenwich
  • Sarah Knight Jisc. Senior Co-design Manager
  • Mark Kerrigan Anglia Ruskin University

Author Biographies

Simon Walker, Head of Educational Development, University of Greenwich

Simon Walker is the Head of Educational Development at the University of Greenwich, responsible for developing university policy and strategy on learning and teaching, and professional development for academic staff.  He is a co-author of the Larnaca Declaration on Learning Design and co-designer of the first MOOC on Learning Design, led by the Open University, UK. He is a director of the eCentre for Learning and Innovation Research at the Universiry of Greenwich and established the annual Academic Practice and Technology (APT) international conference, now in its 14th year.

Twitter. @sialker #uogapt

Sarah Knight, Jisc. Senior Co-design Manager

Sarah Knight is a Senior Co-design Manager in the Student Experience team in the Jisc Digital Futures directorate. Sarah currently manages the Digital Student project which is researching students’ expectations and experiences of the digital environment in further and higher education. Sarah also has responsibility for supporting the Jisc funded Change Agents’ Network, a national network to support staff-student partnership working on technology enhanced curriculum projects.

Sarah has managed the production of numerous internationally acclaimed Jisc publications including the ‘Emerging Practice in a Digital Age’, ‘Effective Assessment in a Digital Age’, ‘Effective Practice in a Digital Age’, ‘Designing Spaces for Effective Learning’ and ‘In Their Own Words’.

Sarah also established and runs the Jisc Learning and Teaching Practice Experts Group, an active community of practice, which provides valuable consultation and dissemination opportunities for Jisc.

Sarah has worked for Jisc for 12 years and during her time at Jisc has led large programmes of work on curriculum design, digital literacies and learners’ experiences of technology.

Blog: http://digitalstudent.jiscinvolve.organd http://can.jiscinvolve.org

Twitter: @Sarahknight #digitalstudent

Mark Kerrigan, Anglia Ruskin University

Mark Kerrigan is the Director of Teaching, Learning and Assessment for Anglia Ruskin University as part of the executive team for the Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education. He is responsible for fostering excellence in teaching, learning and assessment, the design and implementation of strategies to enrich the staff/student experience and has a strong interest in assessment and mobile/technology integrated learning. Before accepting a position at Anglia Ruskin, Mark worked for the University of Greenwich in the Educational Development Unit and was a programme leader and Teaching Fellow for the University of Westminster. He is a founding member and lead for the national Students as Change Agents Network and was the project manager for the Jisc Funded Digital Literacies in Higher Education project. Previously, he led the iPad in Science project, and developed a new model of assessment feedback as part of the Jisc funded project, Making Assessment Count. He developed MapMyProgramme an open-source tool to support the holistic design of assessment and in 2012 was award a prize of ALT-C/Google for this work. As an experienced PhD supervisor, programme and course leader in Medical Science, Mark's publications and areas of expertise span science and education. Mark is a co-conveyor for the Society of Research into Higher Education, Newer Researchers' Network, a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, co-established and is the Co-managing editor for the: The Journal of Educational Innovation, Partnership and Change.




How to Cite

Walker, S., Knight, S., & Kerrigan, M. (2015). Editorial. The Journal of Educational Innovation, Partnership and Change, 1(2). Retrieved from https://journals.studentengagement.org.uk/index.php/studentchangeagents/article/view/261



Editorial Team