Students and Staff as Partners in Innovation and Change.


  • Abbi Flint


change agency, employability, eLearning, Student engagement

Author Biography

Abbi Flint

Dr Abbi Flint is a Consultant in Academic Practice at the Higher Education Academy. Abbi has 11 years’ experience of educational development and pedagogic research at both the institutional and national level. Abbi’s current role concerns student engagement and partnership in their learning experiences, curriculum design and quality enhancement. She is an active qualitative researcher and a Visiting Research Fellow in Student Engagement at Birmingham City University. She regularly presents at UK and international conferences and has published on a range of topics including: student engagement in quality enhancement, student engagement surveys, the NSS, and cultural change in HE.


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How to Cite

Flint, A. (2015). Students and Staff as Partners in Innovation and Change. The Journal of Educational Innovation, Partnership and Change, 1(1). Retrieved from


